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One worktree per branch

New week, new tricky problem! Who has never needed to test two features offered by two different branches, at the same time or almost … Apart from cloning the project twice, running its tests and making any corrections that you forget to push to the server at one time...

Pimp your Git prompt

Gingle Bells!  It’s time to pimp your git prompt. To show off but also to have plenty of information on hand that will make our life easier on the command line and on a daily basis. Use a git contribution : git-prompt We will use a contribution from the official git...

Fix a commit in a snap

This time around here’s a simple way to fix a commit in the middle of your history before sharing it. The idea is to correct the existing commit and not to add new commits. (Thanks Aurélien for the idea!)  How it works Let’s take the example of a working branch,...